Leveraging Student Feedback on Teaching
Teaching Tidbits Workshop Spring 2024
February 20, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Synchronous-Distributed Event
201 TEB, 924 S Morgan, Chicago, IL
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As an instructor, how do you know if what you’re doing in the classroom is “working”? In other words, how do you know if your teaching methods are effective in engaging students and supporting them in achieving your course learning objectives? In this interactive workshop, we will discuss another strategy by which to evaluate and enhance your teaching beyond using course evaluations: collecting and using student feedback throughout the course. We’ll consider how to set up a classroom climate that is conducive to gathering student feedback. We will also review practical strategies and online tools to collect and respond to student feedback such as mid-semester feedback surveys and classroom assessment techniques (CATs) such as minute papers and polling.
After participating in this workshop you will be able to:
- Use student feedback to enhance your teaching and the learning experience for your students
- Apply strategies to set up a classroom climate conducive to student feedback
- Identify teaching methods for collecting and responding to feedback from students throughout the course
EVENT FORMAT: This workshop will be in a synchronous-distributed format. It is an on-campus, in-person event with the option to join online via live streaming.
EVENT LEAD: Crystal Tse, tsecryst@uic.edu
EVENT CO-FACILITATOR: Katie Pierson, piersonk@uic.edu
Inclusivity & Accessibility Information: UIC is committed to full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of university life. CATE’s online events are delivered through Zoom and may include breakout rooms and group discussion. CATE’s in-person events typically involve a combination of presentation and discussion-based activities. We welcome ASL interpreters, note-takers, and accompanying assistants to all CATE events. If you have questions about access, such as parking or building layouts, or wish to request accommodations for our programming, such as real-time captioning (CART), ASL services, or obtaining event materials in alternative formats, please contact the event lead, Crystal Tse (tsecryst@uic.edu).
Date posted
Dec 18, 2023
Date updated
Dec 18, 2023