Podcast: Teaching for Student Success
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Evidence-based teaching practices have been shown to improve student success, equity, and inclusivity.
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A podcast series for instructors and staff in higher education who may be pressed for time, to learn about evidence-based teaching practices that have been shown to improve student success, equity, and inclusivity.
Podcast Episode 21: Teacher Noticing and the Generative Classroom with Dr. Tessa Andrews.
- In this episode we parse the massive Active Learning Umbrella and discuss a particular type of active learning classroom, the generative classroom in which students generate their knowledge. Dr. Tessa Andrews (University of Georgia) discusses her research investigating how expert instructors think about, prepare and implement active learning in their generative classrooms versus how novices think about, prepare and implement active learning. The results are fascinating and instructive.
Steve Robinow hosts these podcasts and was a faculty member at the Manoa campus of the University of Hawaii where he ran a research laboratory and taught mostly genetics and cell and molecular biology. More recently, Steve served as the associate dean for the College of Natural Sciences at the Chico campus of the California State University (Chico State). Steve has also been involved with the National Institute on Scientific Teaching (previously known as the Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching).