UIS ION Professional eLearning Programs


Ion Professional eLearning Programs

ION Professional eLearning Programs provide professional development programs and support to advance the practice and innovation of online learning for faculty, staff and online leaders.

CATE will support the course fee for up to 5 UIC instructors this fall. If interested in enrolling in one of the ION courses, please register using the link below and also email teaching@uic.edu to let us know so we can coordinate payment with UIS for the course cost.


There’s still still time to register! Next term starts Monday, August 22, 2022


Instructional Design for Online Course Development (MOT)

Overview of Online Instruction (MOT)

Practicum for Master Online Teacher Certificate (MOT)

Creating Accessible Documents (DAE)

Student Assessment in Online Courses (MOT)

Blended Learning Design & Instruction (MOT)

Cultural Responsiveness in the Online Classroom (MOT)

External Advocacy for Online Leaders (MOLA)

Foundations of Open Educational Resources (OER)

Sims, Labs and Multimedia (MOT)

Student Support for Online Leaders (MOLA)

Universal Design (MOT, DAE, OER)