Inclusive Education Scholars Certificate Program – Online Course & Learning Community
January 25 - April 20, 2023
Virtual Event
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CATE is excited to launch the Inclusive Education Scholars Certificate Program (IESCP) at UIC this Spring! This is a brand new professional development opportunity designed to advance the practice of inclusive teaching across all disciplines. The IESCP includes:
- An asynchronous online course comprised of 4 modules on inclusive teaching;
- A five-session, face-to-face learning community where instructors can come together to dive deeper into course content, apply concepts to their own course and disciplinary contexts, and build community with other UIC educators committed to supporting equity and inclusion in the classroom, and;
- A total of 3 CATE workshops on inclusive teaching, completed anytime before or after the online course and learning community, where participants learn about, practice, and plan to integrate instructional strategies into their own courses.
After completing the online course, attending all learning community meetings, and participating in the inclusive teaching workshops, participating instructors will receive an Inclusive Education Scholars Certificate.
Register for the Course & Learning Community
Learning communities (LCs) will take place on Zoom and will run every three weeks during the semester. The LCs this term are interdisciplinary and open to all UIC instructors. The first semester will include two cohorts and will expand in subsequent semesters as new faculty facilitators are recruited to lead their own learning communities. Spring participants will have the opportunity to choose from one of the following options:
- LC1: Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:15 PM CT, every 3 weeks starting January 25 through April 19
- LC2: Thursdays, 12:30 - 1:45 PM CT, every 3 weeks starting January 26 through April 20
Registration for each LC is limited to twenty participants, with a maximum of 2 per department depending on demand, so register early to reserve a spot!
Update: Registration for this event closed on January 19, 2023.
We are delighted to welcome Dr. Rebecca Gordon (pronoun: R) as our facilitator for the Learning Communities this spring. Dr. Gordon is a counseling psychologist by training and currently serves as the Chief Diversity Officer, Assistant Vice President for Equity, and Inclusion, and the Title IX/504 Coordinator at North Central College in Naperville, IL. Dr. Gordon has over 20 years of experience providing internal and external consulting on conflict resolution, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and violence prevention in higher education. Dr. Gordon is a trained mediator, facilitator for Restorative Justice Conferences, and created and delivered training on implicit bias, microaggressions, anti-blackness, and anti-racism. Dr. Gordon developed curriculum for and taught dialogue-based courses on the intersections between the social constructions of race, gender, and class on power, privilege, and systemic oppression for the University of Illinois’s Gender and Women’s Studies department and Honor’s College
CATE Inclusive Teaching Workshops
All participants will select three CATE Teaching Tidbits workshops of their choice to meet the workshop requirement for the certificate program. Teaching Tidbits workshops offer participants a chance to apply inclusive teaching practices in their own teaching context and are offered on an ongoing basis each semester. Note: Workshops do not have to be attended in the same semester as the online course + learning community. Participants can ask to receive credit for attending CATE inclusive teaching workshops in other semesters (before and after).
Click here to go to our Teaching Tidbits page and register for a workshop!
Inclusivity & Accessibility Information: UIC is committed to full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of university life. CATE’s online events are delivered through Zoom and may include breakout rooms and group discussion. CATE’s in-person events typically involve a combination of presentation and discussion-based activities. We welcome ASL interpreters, note-takers, and accompanying assistants to all CATE events. If you have questions about access, such as parking or building layouts, or wish to request accommodations for our programming, such as real-time captioning (CART), ASL services, or obtaining event materials in alternative formats, please contact,
Date posted
Oct 28, 2022
Date updated
Jan 19, 2023