Innovations in Teaching at UIC
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In response to the pandemic, the transition to online instruction at UIC has presented numerous challenges to effective delivery of the curriculum, equitable engagement of our students, and the capacity of instructors to navigate new technology necessary to teach remotely. UIC instructors have confronted these challenges in creative and inspiring ways.
This resource is the product of a collaborative, cross-campus effort to share examples of teaching tips, educational technology tools or strategies, as well as lessons learned that helped UIC instructors teach online and interact with students more effectively this fall. Please check out the videos and vignettes below contributed by and for the UIC community.
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Additional contributions are welcome on a rolling basis (please email for more information).
In addition to these instructor-generated resources, this site provides links to external resources supporting best online teaching practices. There is also a link to a form calling for “shout outs” by students who would like to recognize their instructors for effective approaches being used in their classes to support remote learning.
video and vignettes Heading link
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Links to External Resources
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- A Pandemic Crash Course: Learning to Teach Equitably in Synchronous Online Classes (Reinholz et al., 2020, CBE-Life Sciences Education 19,4: ar60)
- 7 Ways to Assess Students Online and Minimize Cheating (Darby, Sept. 24, 2020, The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- The Secret Weapon of Good Online Teaching: Discussion Forums (Darby, Aug. 24, 2020, The Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Teaching Engaging Students in an Online Classroom (McMurtrie, Aug. 13, 2020, The Chronicle of Higher Education)
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- Remote Teaching Good Practices: Beyond the Tech (Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning & ITC’s Learning Design and Technology, 2020)
- Pedagogy: Best Practices for Teaching Remotely (The University of the South, Faculty Technology Resources, 2020)
- Online Class Activities (Stanford University, Teaching Commons – Teaching Guides, 2020)