Resources for Evaluating and Reflecting on Teaching
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Resources on how to determine the ways in which you are effective in your teaching, how to interpret student evaluations, and how to communicate your teaching effectiveness to others:
This semester we offered a workshop series on evaluating and reflecting on teaching. All workshop materials (slides and handouts) are located in the Workshop materials archive under “Reflective Teaching”. If you missed these workshops, join us for future ones on these topics this Fall and check the Teaching Tidbits Workshops page later this summer for an updated schedule.
- Leveraging Student Feedback on Teaching
- Student evaluations of Teaching: Preparing for and Analyzing Student Feedback
- Writing an Effective Teaching Statement (Note: If you are writing a teaching statement for promotion and tenure purposes, please refer to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs website for guidelines or e-mail
Also CATE offers the following Teaching Guides on Reflective Teaching practices:
- Student Feedback guide contains practical strategies and examples on how to solicit and use student feedback throughout the course to enhance your teaching
- Peer Feedback guide contains resources on conducting peer observations, including best practices (e.g., defining what effective teaching looks like in your department and shared goals), example protocols, and existing peer observation instruments
Modified on April 29, 2024