Bite-Sized Inclusive Teaching Practices

Inclusive teaching doesn’t have to be time-consuming.

Below are a number of bite-sized inclusive teaching strategies, organized by motivation. Maybe you want to provide more structure for students in your courses. Click on that category below for a number of strategies designed to build structure for students. Or, click on the wild card category, which houses strategies that serve several purposes at once. The motivational categories are from The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching, and teaching strategies were contributed from the CATE team.

For departments and/or colleges interested in having CATE host a bite-sized inclusive teaching practices workshop, reach out to us through CATE’s contact form. As a bonus, we’ll bring along decks of printed cards for instructors who attend.

Inclusive Teaching Strategies title card

The six categories of inclusive teaching strategies are (as shown above) Belonging, Relationships, Transparency, Structure Welcoming, and the Wild Card.


Key Card

Use this Key Card on the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Cards in the accordions below.