Formative Assessments
Nicole Messier, CATE Instructional Designer
February 4th, 2022
WHAT? Heading link
Formative assessments occur before, during, and after a class session and data collected is used to inform improvements to teaching practices and/or student learning and engagement.
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- Formative assessments are beneficial to instructors by helping them to understand students’ prior knowledge and skills, students’ current level of engagement with the course materials, and how to support students in their progression to achieve the learning objectives.
- Formative assessments are beneficial to students by providing them with immediate feedback on their learning as well as opportunities to practice metacognition, which is an awareness of one’s own knowledge and thinking processes as well as an ability to self-monitor one’s learning path (e.g., self-assessment of learning) and adapt or make changes to one’s learning behaviors (e.g., goal setting).
Formative assessments can be viewed through two broad assessment strategies: assessments for learning and assessments as learning.
- Assessment for learning (AfL) provides the instructor an opportunity to adapt their teaching practices to support current students’ needs through the collection of data as well as provide practice, feedback, and interaction with the students.
- Assessment as learning (AaL) provides student ownership of learning by utilizing evidence-based learning strategies, promoting self-regulation, and providing opportunities for reflective learning.
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Want to learn more about these assessment strategies? Please visit the Resources Section – CATE website to review resources, teaching guides, and more.
Non-Graded Formative Assessments (AfL & AaL) Heading link
Non-Graded Formative Assessments (AfL & AaL)
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Non-graded formative assessments can be used to examine current students’ learning and provide an opportunity for students to self-check their learning.
- Polling or survey questions before, during, or after class using EdTech tools like Acadly or iClicker or other apps
- Questions to gauge understanding of content in readings and lectures:
- Before class, questions can provide students with an opportunity to self-assess their learning as well as provide instructors with information for adapting their instruction.
- During class, questions can provide a platform for discussion, interaction, and feedback.
- After class, questions can provide students with opportunities to reflect, self-assess, and use retrieval practice.
- Questions to gauge understanding of content in readings and lectures:
- Video questions using EdTech tools like Panopto or Echo360.
- Questions to gauge understanding of content in the video.
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- In-class activities (on-campus, hybrid, synchronous online, or synchronous distributed):
- Think-pair-share – asking students to turn to their neighbor in class or small breakout groups in an online discussion and share their thoughts, ideas, or answers to a topic or question.
- Muddiest point – asking students to identify a topic or theme that is unclear, or that they do not have confidence in their knowledge yet.
- Three-minute reflection – asking students to pause and reflect on what they have learned during class (e.g., shared in a survey tool like Google Form, or in a discussion tool like Acadly).
- Asynchronous online sharing and brainstorming using Blackboard discussion boards or EdTech tools like Jamboard or Padlet.
Polling and video questions can be designed as assessment for learning (AfL) by gathering data for instructors to adapt their lectures and learning activities to meet students where they are or to provide opportunities for students to reflect on their learning. In-class activities such as think-pair-share and muddiest point or asynchronous sharing can be designed as assessment as learning (AaL) by providing opportunities for students to self-assess their learning and progress.
Example 1 - Polling Questions Heading link
Example 1 - Polling Questions
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An instructor wants to determine if students understand what is being discussed during the lecture and decides to create an opportunity for students to reflect and self-assess. The instructor designs a Likert scale poll where students are asked to rank their understanding of concepts from 1 – extremely muddy (no understanding of the concept) to 5 – ready to move on (a clear understanding of the concept). Based on student responses the instructor decides to revisit a muddy concept in the next class as well as provides additional resources via the course site on the concept to support student learning.
The instructor also encourages students to revisit concepts that they scored a three or lower on and write down questions about the concepts to share before the next class. The instructor decides to continue using the poll and the collection of questions on important concepts in the upcoming units. The instructor will utilize these questions throughout the term to support student learning.
This formative assessment example demonstrates assessment for learning (Afl) and assessment as learning (AaL) by collecting data to adapt instruction as well as provide students with the opportunity to self-assess.
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Polling questions can also be used to verify that pre-class work was completed, as a knowledge check while taking attendance, as a quick confirmation of understanding while lecturing, or as an exit poll before leaving class (on-campus or synchronous online).
Non-graded formative assessments can be adapted to provide extrinsic motivation by awarding students credit if they achieve a certain percentage of correct answers (e.g., students complete at least 70% of the questions correctly to receive full credit). This type of extrinsic motivation shifts the focus from the students’ ability to answer the questions correctly to promoting self-assessment, practice, and goal setting.
Graded Formative Assessments (AfL & AaL) Heading link
Graded Formative Assessments (AfL & AaL)
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Just like non-graded formative assessments, graded formative assessments can be used to examine current students’ learning and provide an opportunity for students to gauge their learning. Graded formative assessments should provide students with opportunities to practice skills, apply knowledge, and self-assess their learning.
- In-class graded work
- One-minute essay – asking students to write down their thoughts on a topic at the end of a lecture.
- Concept map – asking students to create a diagram showing relationships between concepts.
- Written assignments
- Authentic assessments – an assessment that involves a real-world task or application of knowledge instead of a traditional paper.
- Reflections, journals, self-assessment of previous work
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- Discussion forums – academic discussions focused on a topic or question.
- Group work or peer review
- Video questions using EdTech tools like Panopto or Echo360.
- Quizzes
Formative assessments like in-class work, written assignments, discussion forums, and group work can be graded with a rubric to provide individualized feedback to students. Video questions using EdTech tools like Panopto or Echo360 and quizzes using Blackboard Tests, Pools, and Surveys can be automatically graded with immediate feedback provided to students.
Example 2 - Written Assignment Heading link
Example 2 - Written Assignment
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An instructor decides to create four formative written assessments to measure student learning and provide opportunities for students to self-assess and self-regulate their learning. These written assignments are designed to assess each of the learning objectives in the course. Students are required to find new evidence by performing research based on the aligned learning objective(s) in each assignment. In the first written assignment, students are provided with a rubric to self-assess their work and submit their self-assessment and work. The instructor provides personalized feedback using the rubric on their work and self-assessment. In the second and third written assignments, students are asked to submit their work and provide a review of their peers’ work using a rubric. The instructor provides feedback on the peer review only. In the fourth assignment, the students are asked to select one of the previous pieces of work and make revisions as well as write a reflection on the knowledge and skills that were developed by completing a self-assessment and two peer reviews.
This formative assessment example demonstrates the importance of feedback in improving student performance and learning. This example could come from a writing, research, or humanities course where students are expected to produce narrative, argumentative, persuasive, or analytical essays. These written assignments could also be in major coursework and be more authentic (involves a real-world task or application of knowledge instead of a traditional paper), for example, developing a memo, proposal, blog post, presentation, etc.
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Formative assessments are used to provide opportunities for practice, feedback, and interaction ensuring students are active learners, instead of passive recipients of the information. In an active learning environment, student engagement, motivation, and outcomes are improved through the implementation of formative assessments. Students participate in meaningful learning activities and assessments that promote self-regulation, provide practice, and reinforce skills in an active learning environment.
Want to learn more about active learning strategies? Please visit the Resources Section – CATE website to review resources, teaching guides, and more.
WHY? Heading link
Why develop formative assessments in your course?
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Since the late 90s, Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam have been challenging the view that summative assessment is the best way to measure learning and support student success. Black and Wiliam’s research on formative assessment and student achievement started the shift from a summative focus to a more balanced view of assessment for student success.
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Studies have shown that students who participate in formative assessments have improved overall performance and higher scores than students who do not participate in the formative assessments (Robertson, 2019).
Impact on Students Heading link
Impact on Students
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Students who participate in formative assessments develop and improve several essential skills (Koka, 2017) including:
- Communication skills
- Collaboration skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Perception
- Memory
- Metacognition
- Self-regulation skills
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Student involvement, self-reflection, and open communication between faculty and students during formative assessments are vital to student success (Koka, 2017). Effective formative assessments include (Black, 2009):
- “Clarifying and sharing learning intentions and criteria for success,
- Engineering effective classroom discussions and other learning tasks that elicit evidence of student understanding,
- Providing feedback that moves students forward,
- Activating students as instructional resources for one another,
- Activating students as the owners of their own learning.”
Use of EdTech Tools Heading link
Use of EdTech Tools
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Studies have shown that using EdTech tools for formative assessments improves the immediacy of scores and feedback to students. Student wait time and faculty workload are dramatically reduced by the utilization of EdTech tools (Robertson, 2019). The use of EdTech tools for formative assessments also improves student satisfaction, enjoyment, and engagement (Grier, 2021; Mdlalose, 2021). EdTech tools can be used for synchronous and asynchronous formative assessments; however, synchronous formative assessments can allow the instructor to clarify misconceptions and help foster more engagement during discussions to create a learning community (Mdlalose, 2021).
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In a study and literature review by Robertson and Humphrey (2019), they determined elements needed for formative assessment tools to be effective, including timeliness of feedback, elaborative feedback from the instructor, personalized feedback for students, reusability (reusing existing questions or content), accessibility (does the use of the tool exclude some students), interface design (how easy it is to implement), interaction (does it improve the frequency of interactions between student and instructor), and cost (funded by the institution or personal expense). These elements should be taken into consideration as you determine which EdTech tool(s) to use for formative assessments.
Feedback & Formative Assessments Heading link
Feedback & Formative Assessments
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A critical component of any formative assessment is the timeliness of feedback. Studies have shown that it is the immediacy of feedback that is most beneficial to student learning (Robertson, 2019). As you begin to design formative assessments or select an EdTech tool to develop a formative assessment, make sure to determine how you will provide feedback to students.
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Reflect on the following questions regarding feedback and formative assessments:
- How will you ensure that feedback to students is timely?
- How will you design multiple opportunities for feedback interactions with you and/or among peers?
- How will you distribute feedback interactions throughout the course?
- How will you provide personalized feedback to students?
Want to learn more about grading and feedback? Please visit the Resources Section – CATE website to review resources, teaching guides, and more.
HOW? Heading link
How do you start designing formative assessments?
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First, you can review your course outcomes and learning objectives to ensure alignment of the formative assessments developed. Formative assessments can help measure student achievement of learning objectives as well as provide students with actionable feedback and the instructor with data to make decisions on current teaching and instruction practices.
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So how do you determine what type of formative assessment to design? Or the frequency and distribution of formative assessments in your course? Let’s dive into some of the elements that might impact your design decisions, including class size, discipline, modality, and EdTech tools.
Class Size Heading link
Class Size
Formative assessments can be designed and implemented in any course size from small seminar courses to large lecture courses. The size of the class will influence the decisions that instructors make regarding the use of EdTech tools to deliver formative assessments.
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Small Class Size
- May allow for more formative assessments distributed throughout the course.
- May allow for more immediacy of feedback and descriptive, personalized, or dialogic feedback from the instructor.
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Large Class Size
- May require instructors to utilize EdTech tools to deliver formative assessments that are distributed throughout the course.
- May require instructors to utilize EdTech tools to deliver timely, consistent, and helpful feedback to students.
Discipline Heading link
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Formative assessments can be implemented in any type of course or program. A few considerations when developing formative assessments:
- To understand students’ prior knowledge and skills.
- As learning for students to reflect and self-regulate their learning.
- To measure achievement of learning objectives.
- To collect data to make decisions about teaching and instruction.
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In undergraduate general education coursework, instructors should consider using formative assessments to understand student goals and motivations for taking a course and how to support their goals (future learning and connection to future career) and sustain their engagement in a course that may not be directly or obviously related to the major program of study. In major coursework, instructors might want to consider using formative assessments to reinforce knowledge and practice skills needed for summative assessments and external accreditation or licensure exams.
Modality Heading link
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The modality of your course will influence the planning and delivery of formative assessments. Formative assessments can be designed for both synchronous and asynchronous delivery for any course modality.
Synchronous formative assessments (during scheduled classes) can be administered in on-campus, online synchronous, hybrid, and synchronous distributed courses. For example, creating in-class polls or surveys using an EdTech tool like Acadly and iClickers.
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Asynchronous formative assessments (outside of scheduled classes) can be administered in any type of course; however, asynchronous formative assessments are vital for online asynchronous courses to measure and reinforce learning. For example, creating weekly or unit quizzes in Blackboard using the Tests, Pools, and Surveys to reinforce student learning of the content.
Formative Assessment Tools Heading link
Formative Assessment Tools
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EdTech tools can help to reduce faculty workload by providing a delivery system that reaches students before, during, and/or after class sessions
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Below are EdTech tools that are available to UIC faculty to create and/or grade formative assessments for and as learning.
Video and Questions Tools Heading link
Video and Questions Tools
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Asynchronous formative assessment tools like videos with questions can help you provide opportunities for students to self-assess learning, receive feedback, and practice.
Questions, Surveys, and Polling Tools
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Question or polling tools can be administered synchronously to check understanding during a lecture in on-campus or online synchronous courses. Many of these tools can also be used asynchronously by providing a link in the course materials or announcements in the learning management system (LMS) – Blackboard.
Assessment Creation and Grading Tools
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- Gradescope
- Blackboard assignments drop box and rubrics
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Assignments and scoring rubrics can be created in Blackboard for students to practice skills, receive feedback, and make revisions. Formative assessments can be created within Gradescope, or you can score in-class work using AI technology to reduce grading time, provide consistency in grading, and give general as well as personalized feedback to students.
Want to learn more about these formative assessment tools? Visit the EdTech section on the CATE website to learn more.
Getting Started
The following steps will support you as you examine current formative assessment practices through the lens of assessment for learning (AfL) and assessment as learning (AaL) and develop new or adapt existing formative assessments.
- The first step is to utilize backward design principles by aligning the formative assessments to the learning objectives.
- Consider creating an outline of the course and determine when a learning objective is covered and should be assessed.
- The second step is to identify the goal(s) for the formative assessment.
- To collect data for decision-making about teaching and instruction (AfL).
- To provide students opportunities for practice and feedback (AfL and AaL).
- To promote self-regulation and reflective learning by students (AaL).
- To provide differentiation for students to improve individual learning and performance (AfL).
- The third step is to develop the formative assessment by determining:
- Format: in-class work, question(s), written assignment, etc.
- Delivery: paper and pencil, Blackboard, EdTech tool, etc.
- Feedback: general (how to improve performance), personalized (student-specific), etc.
- Scoring: graded, non-graded, participation points, or extra credit.
- The fourth step is to review data collected from formative assessment(s) and reflect on the implementation of the formative assessment(s) to inform continuous improvements for equitable student outcomes.

- This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.
- This license requires that reusers give credit to the creator. It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, for noncommercial purposes only.
Please use the following citation to cite this guide:
Messier, N. (2022). “Formative assessments.” Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence at the University of Illinois Chicago. Retrieved [today’s date] from
Additional Resources
Academic Planning Task Force. (2020). Guidelines for Assessment in Online Learning Environments.
Clifford, S. (2020). Eleven alternative assessments for a blended synchronous learning environment. Faculty Focus.
Crisp, E. (2020). Leveraging feedback experiences in online learning. EDUCAUSE
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Dyer, K. (2019). 27 easy formative assessment strategies for gathering evidence of student learning. NWEA.
Gonzalez, J. (2020). 4 laws of learning (and how to follow them). Cult of Pedagogy.
Weinstein, Y., Sumeracki, M., Caviglioli, O. (n.d.). Six strategies for effective learning. The Learning Scientists.
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Agarwal, P. (n.d.) Retrieval practice website
Hattie, J. (n.d.) Visible Learning website
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Weinstein, Y., Sumeracki, M., Caviglioli, O. (n.d.). The Learning Scientists.
Wiliam, D. (n.d.) Dylan Wiliam’s website
REFERENCES Heading link
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Black, P., Wiliam, D. (2009). Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability. 21. 5-31. 10.1007/s11092-008-9068-5.
Earl, L.M., Katz, S. (2006). Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind – Assessment for learning, assessment as learning, assessment of learning. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Crown in Right of Manitoba.
Grier, D., Lindt, S., Miller, S. (2021). Formative assessment with game-based technology. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science. 5. 193-202. 10.46328/ijtes.97.
Koka, R., Jurane-Bremane, A., Koke, T. (2017). Formative assessment in higher education: From theory to practice. European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research. 9. 28. 10.26417/ejser.v9i1.p28-34.
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Mdlalose, N., Ramaila, S., Ramnarain, U. (2021). Using Kahoot! As a formative assessment tool in science teacher education. International Journal of Higher Education. 11. 43-51. 10.5430/ijhe.v11n2p43.
Robertson, S., Humphrey, S., Steele, J. (2019). Using technology tools for formative assessments. Journal of Educators Online. Volume 16, Issue 2.
Weinstein, Y., Sumeracki, M., Caviglioli, O. (2019). Understanding how we learn – A visual guide. Routledge.